ACT TOO! Theater Company
Dedicated to providing Frederick County, and surrounding area, youth with theatrical training, vocal training, and performance opportunities since 2006.
Entourage Incognito

Entourage Incognito is ACT TOO!'s traveling performing group that provides entertainment at local Frederick events. Acceptance into this group is by audition or invitation only and members must have excellent stage presence, the ability to sing in harmony, basic stage movement skills, and a positive, ensemble minded attitude. Members must also be involved in ongoing vocal training such a Group Voice lessons, Private Voice lessons, or choral training.
EI performs at events such as Festival of the Arts, the Children's Festival, Mayfest, and more. Rehearsals begin in January and continue through May. Performances are in April, May, and June.
Members of Entourage Incognito must be firmly committed to rehearsals and performances and be very focused on performing to the highest standards.Frequent absences CANNOT BE TOLERATED. Please keep this in mind before committing to the group.
EI members help decide what songs will be performed and also contribute to choreography.